You can reset your password by tapping the Forgot Your Password link on the Sign In Screen

Tap Sign In on the menu in the upper right of the screen in the app
Under the email and password lines> tap the Forgot Your Password at the bottom

You’ll be asked to enter your email address to reset your password and Submit

Once your email address is submitted, you will be sent a reset link to update your password.

If you have trouble accessing the link from the email, it’s possible the link has expired or is being blocked by a web browser setting. Here are a few steps you can follow to attempt to fix the issue:
1. Delete all other emails from BET+ that contain a password reset link
2. Visit the Account section in the app and select "Forgot Password" again
3. Using another web browser or device, locate the new email and click on the link.

If that does not resolve the issue, follow these steps:
1. Send the Password link again.
2. Do not click on the link. Copy the URL in the link and paste it into your web browser.