If you have logged in and seeing the message “There is an issue with your subscription payment. Please visit the App Store where you subscribed,” you need to log into Google Play store and update your credit card on file.
To update your credit card on the web
  1. Visit myaccount.google.com (or g.co/ManageWallet)
  2. Select Payments and Subscriptions
  3. Select Manage Payment Methods
  4. Under the payment method you want to edit, tap Edit.
  5. Make your updates.
  6. Tap Update.
To update your credit card on mobile
  1. Open the Google Play Store App
  2. In the search bar, select the menu icon.
  3. Tap Payment Methods
  4. If asked, sign in to pay.google.com with your Gmail password
  5. Under the payment method you want to edit, tap Edit.
  6. Make your updates.
  7. Tap Update.