When you create an account, you’ll be asked to verify your email address. Verifying your email address will allow you to access the app on multiple devices — big screens, small screens, and everything in between! However, if you don’t verify your email address, you’ll still have access to Noggin on the device you used to create the account.

It’s possible the link has expired or is being blocked by a web browser setting. Here are a few steps you can follow to attempt to fix the issue:

1. Delete all other emails from Noggin that contain verification links
2. Visit the Account section in the Grownups menu of the Noggin app and select "Resend Instructions"
3. Using another web browser or device, locate the new email and click on the link.

If that does not resolve the issue, follow these steps:

1. Visit the Account section in the Grownups menu of the Noggin app and select "Resend Instructions"
2. Do not click on the link. Copy the URL in the link and paste it into your web browser.